In 2024 we focus our yearly talent program on young women in Nigeria. There are many good reasons for that, considering how Nigerian society is evolving and offering an abundance of new opportunities. We also offer an entrepreneurship program for Nigerian women living in Germany. It’s our mission to build new futures and to transform lives.
Small business in Nigeria
Nigeria’s economy is booming but nonetheless it is difficult for many young people to catch on. Our program wants to empower young women to take their future into their own hands and find a piece of happiness they can call their own.
Nigerians in Germany
Being caught between two different cultures it can be very difficult for Nigerians to find their way in German society. Our program wants to get them on board and on their way to a new life of prosperity and happiness.
Motherhood & work
Being a young female entrepreneur in Nigeria can be quite a challenge when also being a mother. It can be an opportunity from which the child can prosper as well. After all, when mom is doing well this reflects on the wellbeing of the child.

Practice what you preach. To be able to empower people in cross-cultural settings we empower ourselves. That’s why we surround ourselves with professionals from the widest cultural, ethnographic and linguistic backgrounds. To learn from each other, and to continuously widen our perspectives in a world that is changing with accelerating speed.

Whether you’re a student, mentor or sponsor, we all share the same dream. And that is to create new futures. Your dream when you’re ready to enrol. Her dream when you want to make that possible.

Always wanted to take your future into your own hands? Dreaming of financial independence, and perhaps a little more? Follow our social media for the next opportunity to enroll.

Become a mentor
Are you a qualitied trainer? Do you know how to motivate your students, and encourage them to keep the eye on the ball? Then we definately want you on the team.

Support us
Please consider making a donation. Or maybe you want want to adopt a student by allowing her to participate in the programme. Be part of her dream to have a better future.

AISIA® is a Germany based registered non-profit organisation. Donations are tax deductible.
DONATIONS: IBAN DE47711600000007556381 / BIC GENODEF1VRR
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